HVAC Cold Weather Preparation
Last November, we wrote an well-received article entitled Property Management | Winter, and as you might guess, the article describes the...

Parking Lots & Commercial Real Estate
Over the years, we've come across a great many commercial properties that had so much to offer - high ceilings, high-quality interiors,...

Roofing & Commercial Real Estate, Part II
If you have been reading the Industrial Commercial Insight blog, then you may be familiar with part one of this series on Roofing &...

Carbon Monoxide Risk Mitigation
Carbon monoxide and radon tests are more frequently associated with residential real estate, as such testing is commonplace when buying...

Roofing & Commercial Real Estate
Roofing is a frequently overlooked aspect of owning and managing a commercial real estate investment. It goes somewhat without saying...

Property Management | Winter
Winter is one of the most challenging seasons for managing a property. The often-inclement conditions brought on by the cold seasonal...

A Post: On Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a serious concern when investing in industrial, commercial office, commercial retail, and even residential real...

The Pittsburgh Region | Part 2
Once a city of coal and steel, Pittsburgh has reinvented itself as a region of art, entertainment, medicine, education, technology, and...

Property Management | Insulation for Hot Weather
Insulating an industrial or commercial building is a year-round concern. Proper insulation, of course, means lower utility bills during...

Property Management | Landscaping
Property management is the art of planning. The successful property manager relies upon a strategic mind to plan and, frequently, to...